03 December 2010

FINALLY...Halloween, London, & Paris

I am so sorry!  This post has been delayed for far to long but it hasn't been from lack of trying.  I have been having problems with the site.  Now on to the info! 

We begin this post with a huge thank you to my inlaws!!!  They were taking care of our four legged family member until we could get her to Sweden legally! LOL  After relaxing at the Sawyer Spa in North Carolina our dog has arrived safe and sound and has adjusted really well to life in Sweden...see pic!
Paisley & Mark...Ruff life

I cannot thank Grammy & Pops enough for all they went through to assist us in this DETAILED endeavor but she is now 2months in Sweden and doing great!

We of course could not pass up Halloween just because we are in Sweden.  I have found a local American womens club and we were able to attend their halloween festival!  So our little witch and jedi had tons of fun on Halloweeen!
Now if you know us you know that for the children's birthday we always let them choose to have a party or go somewhere as a family!  Brooklyn was first in Sweden and typically we would go camping or amusement park...what did Brooklyn want to do...go to Paris!!!  So what did we do in true European form...we took her to Paris! LOL  IT is very affordable to fly around here and I said "why not"!  On our journey we decided to fly to London and spend a few days, take the Eurostar to Paris and enjoy a few days and then fly home!  We had a blast!  We went in November even though B's birthday is next week b/c they had a week off of school.  Here are some of our photos!  Mind you we took over 200 so this truly is just a glimpse.
The kids with a Beef Eater at the Tower of London

No this is not the London Bridge,it is the Tower Bridge

My boys walking along the water in London!

B & Z with Big Ben in the Background

By the way I do know Zach's face is rather beat up in all the photos!  He had a bit of an accindent on his bike the day before we left.  It had nothing to do with the fact that he was under Daddy's supervision at the time! :)

Now another sawyer past time!  Trying icecream all over Europe!  This was in Harrod's in London!  Too much fun!

Now onto PARIS!!

They make the Eiffel Glitter at around 6ish

Brooklyn in front of the Louvre!
We have seen the actual Mona Lisa!

We took a trip out of town to Versailles! I am so glad we did!  The gardens are hundreds of acres and just stunning!

My hunchbacks in front of Notre Dame!
Sorry about the pic being on it's side!

Finally our trip up to the Summit of the Eiffel Tower!!
The kids still say the coolest thing was that they had lunch and used the toilet on the Eiffel Tower!  Here we are on the top!  Brooklyn had to get a beret of course!  The following photo was by far my favorite!  BRookln had to take it and nothing is more romantic than your photographer going "oh GROSS"!! 

Seriously that is precious! Kissing my Honey on the Eiffell Tower!

If i had to be honest I LOVED London so much more!  Paris is great to experience but London was just so much more for me! Not to mention the fact that we could communicate and read everything for the first time in 6 months!  London just really was a fabulous experience! 

When the Sawyer's do a trip we do a trip...we walk and see all the main sights!  We saw so much more but I rather not bore you to tears!  Life in Sweden is going great!  We currently have about a foot and a half of snow on the ground and are still walking to school and everywhere else!  We have learned to bundle up and get out in it!  I just cannot be cooped up all winter! We have just returned from a trip to Vienna, Austria!  Mark wanted to go for his birthday so I will post those photos soon I promise! It was by far our favorite trip yet!

With the holidays here I just want to wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas!  We love you all and wish you the best this season! I have recieved so many lovely emails and please know that we cherish any news from home!  We love you all!

Hey Da

20 September 2010

Crusin' To Oslo, Norway

Hello All,
  The Sawyer's are doing well in Malmo and have adventures to share! We have experienced quite a bit this past weekend (including the Dallas Cowboys game) oh yeah and we may have taken a cruise to Oslo, Norway! LOL  Seeing as how the Cowboys lost...again... we will spend our time concentrating on the more positve aspects of our weekend!  Although I have to give a huge THANK YOU to my entire family in Texas for setting up our slingbox so these crazy Americans can get their football in Sweden (and I am not talking about SOCCER)!  LOL 
  The past couple of weeks have been lovely.  Finally getting into a routine of sorts and learning new things everyday (mostly by trial and error).  For instance if the children suggest riding their bikes to school in the rain b/c we could get there faster...don't fall for it! There is a reason you don't ride in the cold,windy,rain...on a bike!  On a bike it is colder, the wind blows harder and you get much wetter! LOL  Live and learn!  When they say in Sweden it is just a short walk...don't fall for it!  It will most likely be a couple miles.  When they say in Sweden we will get right back to you about that issue...don't fall for it!  We are still waiting to hear back on several issues!  When they say in Sweden bikes rule the road...they mean road, sidewalk, park trail, everything!  Watch out or you will get run over.  Note: When you hear a persistent dinging, you are not losing your mind but you may lose your backside to a cyclist if you do not get out of their way! As I said trial and error but always with a sense of humor( at least we are laughing).
  The children were out of school on Friday so we took a long weekend cruise out of Copenhagen, Denmark to Oslo, Norway.  

This blog is loaded with pictures so here we go!
Here we are in our cabin getting ready to CRUISE!
Seriously though...you have to look cool onbaord!                    

                      Celebrity on board! No autographs please!           

Although this was a small cruise ship the kids found pleanty to do!

A little Ball action!

A little Full Tummy action...due to a banana split!

And of course playing on the top bunks in our Barbie sized cabin!

We naturally made it up to the top deck to check out the scenery. Sweden and Denmark on either side was neat to experience!
 Now we ( the Sawyer Family ) are know for our desire to partake and fill our minds with the history and culture of every place we visit!  We spend time searching for the most important aspects of every country and city! Well...we have not let you down this time!  If you ask my children the highlight of their visit to Oslo, Norway they will most assuredly tell you...The Guinea Pig Balls on water! Please don't ask how we get childcare in a foreign country just see below! LOL                                  


I must say the lunch Mark & I enjoyed while our children were obviously safe as a baby in a balloon was wonderful!  LOL  Just kidding!   The kids had a blast trying to run on water! I would have enjoyed a turn myself but as it was we seem to draw enough attention just being "normal"!

On to the rest of Oslo!

We of course have encouraged our children to be themsleves no matter where we are...proof in point! Zach(above) being the most ferocious animal in the world ( in front of a gorgeous fountain found off the pedestrian stree).  Brooklyn below trying to work on her acting in a gorgeous garden in downtown Oslo!

The Royal Palace of Norway
We were on our best behavior and did not get into trouble!
Picture worthy cathedral in Oslo!
Famous sculpture park in Norway! Bridge to the park!   
Mark is tired of them using his body for sculptures all over Europe! Oh and Zach wants to see some with clothes on! LOL  Cultural differences are an education!!
I had to blow this one up for the full effect!  Absolutely stunning!  Views from the park towards the city!
Opera House in Oslo! You can climb to the top...of course we did!

An encounter with a statue turns dangerous!
Views from the boat of Norway as we sail off in to the Baltic Sea!

Overall our trip to Oslo was fantastic!  I did have a slight issue with the waves at night!  None of us get sea sick but it was rather rough at night when we hit open water! None of my family seemed to have an issue with this but me!  I am a light sleeper and could NOT get to sleep! Every time Mark would even move I would say "are you awake...what are you doing"?  LOL  Needless to say I slept great last night when we were home in our own beds!

I do hope you have enjoyed this entry into the Sawyer's European adventures!  Join us again next time as we try to find a human statue with clothing! LOL just kidding!  I will leave you with my absolute favorite picture of all of our travels thus far!  You see there are not only Vikings in Norway but trolls!  This one in particular caught my eye and well he really does seem to be part of the family!  Check out the family resemblance!  We love you all!  Until next time Hey da from Sweden!
PS sorry about the formatting!  It is not appearing as it does in my preview!  Will do better next time!

06 September 2010

Here comes FALL in EARLY September???

Hello Gang,
I know... I know... I have been rather remiss this month about my posting, but here I am yet again to fill you in on our Sweden adventures! So much has happened since our trip to Stockholm!   So off I go!
 We have since moved out of the hotel and are living in our apartment!  Thanks to some wonderful neighbors, who happen to not only work at the World Maritime University but are also moving here from TEXAS, we did have air mattresses for about a month!!!  Oh yes that was fun.  We did  survive and can happily say we have recieved our things from Florida this past week and are completely unpacked!  I knew moving here was going to take some time but I didn't realise we would be waiting nearly a full 3months for our belongings!!  We have never been so happy to see our things!  We have all been wearing the same clothes for 3 months so hopefully our pictures will soon reflect a more diverse wardrobe!

The kids have started school!!!  Here they are on their first day of school in Sweden!
Brooklyn and Zach are attending an IB school here in Malmo.  I really am impressed with their school outline, However, I miss RAYMA!  I will admit it will take some adjusting for the children!  You really see a huge difference in the culture when you are thrown into school but at least they all speak english and the kids are having a blast!  They are finding out that things here are a bit different!  They call their teachers by their first name ( swedish thing)!  I was shocked and have asked the children to at least address them with a Ms in front! Brooklyn's teacher is an American and tons of fun and Zachary's teacher is Canadian whom he really likes!  They are in what is classified as PYP4 and PYP3 levels so they think that is so cool b/c they are supposed to be in 2nd and 3rd grade back home! LOL  Just wait until we move back and they have to go back a number! LOL!
We had a fun outing last weekend with the University.  We had a family ride out to view the bridge.  It was about 18kilometers and we all had a great time.  Here are the kids at the viewing platform.

They slept well that night!

We have an exciting time going to the "BIG"  grocery store!  We are still walking everywhere.  Mostly b/c we can but also b/c although our car has arrived it has yet to be inspected and will most likely not be for another month!  We are on serious Swedish time here!  However,  it allows us extra time together as we journey along.  Here are some of the sights and activities on a typical BIG grocery trip.

Toting our cart to the store through the park! 

A little frisbee time on the way!

The local "yard men"!  These rams are outside the Malmo castle keeping things "beautified"!
Just this weekend we took a train ride to the city of Lund.  It is just north of Malmo about a 15 minute train ride.  We had a great time enjoying the sites and the day was gorgeous! Here are our out takes from Sunday.

Where in the world is Brooklyn???  This is an amazing church just off the square.

Parks Parks everywhere!

A beautiful girl at the Botanical Gardens in Lund!

Now I did mention something in the title about fall in early September!  I am not kidding!  Although the days are breathtaking right now the nights are downright chilly!  This morning when we woke it was 51 degrees!!  OH mamasita what am I going to do...Bundle UP...b/c the say in Malmo there is no bad weather just bad clothing! 

 We love you all and miss you so much!  Keep in touch via email!!  Hey Da (goodbye)  for now!