17 May 2011

Our Amazing time in Ireland and Scotland! Oh & Swedish Walpurgis!

Hey gang,
  Wow I am very homesick today!  We have come upon another time of year when families get together for weddings, graduations and summer fun!  In the last/next month we have/will miss three weddings in our families!  So to Travis, Caleb, and Jake  we send our love to you and your new wives( to be)!  I was telling Mark I seem to crave family time more now than ever and I do not take for granted all the love we are blessed with among our families!  There is a great peace in knowing that no matter what happens your family is always there to love and support you!  So this is a tearful I love you to all the family!  From Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Cousins, Second Cousins and so on we love you! To the Cayman Islands, New Mexico, Kentucky, Louisiana, England, Wales, North Carolina and South Carolina, Florida, Maryland and of course TEXAS!!  I send my love and well wishes for this fabulous Summer  Season!  Give and extra hug and kiss at the weddings and get togethers for me and know I long to be with you!!!

OK so now all the men can start reading again because I know you totally zoned out at all my sappy sentiments!  ON with the SHOW! 

We just recently returned from Ireland and Scotland and what a time we had!  I do believe it was one of our best!  Scotland & Ireland are just breathtaking countries that warrant a slower pace and appreciation!  We were granted with beautiful weather and even SUN!  We will start with a trip down the royal mile in Edinburgh, Scotland!
Brooklyn on the Royal Mile

Onward to the castle I say!

If you are unaware Edinburgh Castle sits on top of this stunning "mountain" in the middle of the city!  Here Mark and the kids take a quick break to appease Mom with a picture!

The newest recruits to the Royal Dragoon Guard

A very picturesque alleyway off the Royal Mile!

Now before the next set of photos I must remind you that we typically hit the ground running when we arrive at a new place!  Edinburgh was no exception!  After a full day of "Sawyer" style sight seeing we come upon what appears to be a hiking path up these lovely mountains outside the city.  Well...Mark & I thought we should probably hold off to hike the mountain until the following day seeing as how the "children"  might fare better on fresh legs.  Much to our dismay Brooklyn decides to remind us that "we are Sawyer's and we don't quit"!  HMMM  this is where you hear your own words coming from your children!!  So we could not back down we took on the mountain outside Edinburgh with full force and loved every minute of it!
On the summit with Edinburgh in the background!

Yes the boys were victorious!
 The next day we went on a cruise of the "bridges".  It was a bit chily but we did enjoy the seals and other wildlife!

Here are some other photos from Edinburgh.

Playground at the base of the Castle!

The flowers had not bloomed in Sweden yet!

We attended our first Pro Rugby game!  Zach was hooked! He is now playing here in Malmo! 
From Scotland we went to Ireland and more specifically Dublin!  Did I mention how great it was to hear English all week!  Wow what a treat!
On Palm Sunday we found ourselves at St Patricks Cathedral!  We were able to attend services there and it was quite an experience!

A picturesque cottage in one of the town parks!

Now of course Mark is always a great sport when it comes to photos!  Very rarely does he ever complain! However, he never seems to overly enthusiastic either!  Well 'tis not the case in the next photo opportunity!  As you can see my hubby has found "Sweet Molly Malone"  and he seems to be rather pleased with himself I dare say! 
Mark and Molly Malone!
This is where we all sing...In Dublin's Fair City where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone!...

Now this next picture is for the Sawyer's! Mark's father has called me D2 since we first met I believe!  That stands for Daughter #2! Well low and behold we came upon my coffee shop!  Funny thing is we had to cross the "Butt Bridge" to get to it! LOL  Wonders never cease!
These next photos are of the Irish countryside!  We took a trip out to Wicklow Mountains and it was everything you can imagine!
Brooklyn in the country!

A lovely view!

On a little walk to the lake!

Mark & the children enjoying the water!

Now we were able to go to a lovely spot on this trip!  There is an Irish poet by the name of Thomas Moore who wrote a poem about the "Meeting of the Waters".  Here is a picture of us at that spot!

Mark & I do take the occassional picture together!

Our trip was wonderful and I hope to return someday! When we returned home we clebrated Walspurgis in Sweden!  This is when they celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.  It is an evening of bonfires to chase away the remnants of winter.  We went with our lovely American friends and had a great time.  I'm afraid we have grown quite attached to our friends the Merkels.  They are leaving Sweden to return to the US  and although we will miss them terribly we are very happy for them and cannot wait to see them on the other side of the pond!
The Americans :)

The bonfire!  Sorry the quality is poor!

That is all for now!  We have just returned from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and will post those photos soon!  Love you all and until next time...No worries!

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